The Unitarian Universalist Church

The UU church is a tolerant group of religious liberals. Note that the UU church is not yet officially connected to the Dyad way to Enlightenment. We here in Alabama are involved in the process of requesting the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) to recognize 'Dyad' as an officially valid UU subgroup. We feel that official UU association will add some stability without hindering the open search for personal truth.

There are many UU churches around the country. Bill and Joanne Savoie, Virginia Burroughs, and several of the participants to the three day Enlightenment Intensives are members of the Huntsville Alabama Unitarian Universalist Church. It would be wrong to think that Dyads are only something involved with the UU church. Any religion seeking truth would benefit from a three day Enlightenment Intensive based on Dyad technology. We just happen to be UU members, but in California you will find many of Jewish, Catholic and Bali persuasion involved with Dyad workshops. (These notes are my (Bill Savoie's) informal observations - I have not attempted to ask people at Enlightenment Intensives what their religion was.) People are diverse in the way they wish to celebrate ultimate truth. Several years have passed, and we all have left the UU church and now attend the Center for Spiritual Living, in Huntsville Alabama. It is a wonderful place.

The Huntsville Alabama UU church web page:

The Unitarian Universalist Association web page:

The Dyad Way to Enlightenment Home page: